1 minute read

Hello, welcome to the 5th blog in the Series of Blogs by Hardik.

In this post, I will explain how you should test the aggregation feature and my strategy for the last phase of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020. So, let’s get started.

Using the aggregation feature

I have posted a draft pull request. This pull request introduces the aggregator classes to signac-flow which enables actual aggregation. If you want to try how aggregation will work, you should install signac-flow in your python virtual environment in editable mode. You can perform the steps mentioned below to setup a development environment for signac-flow:

git clone https://github.com/glotzerlab/signac-flow.git
cd signac-flow/
git checkout feature/introduce-aggregator-classes
pip install -e .

There is an existing pull request on the signac-examples repository which may help you understand the workflow. This example generates a plot of temperatures (in °C) v/s days of a month having 31 days. We also visually compare the temperature of every day with the average temperature of that month.

Please make sure to clone the repository locally and switch to the branch aggregate-example. You will find the examples in the notebooks/ directory. You can perform the steps mentioned below:

git clone https://github.com/glotzerlab/signac-examples.git
cd signac-examples/
git checkout aggregation-example

Plan for the last phase of GSoC

Firstly, I will refactor status printing in order to make the status printing more efficient. Testing is the one of the most important part of development. Since I have completed a fair amount of work, I will write tests for aggregation in this phase. I plan to submit a well-documented code for GSoC 2020. I also plan to write a few examples for signac-examples so that users can know how to use this feature with ease.
